Usted sabe que es un jugador de ultimate cuando....

jueves, 10 de abril de 2008

En Facebook encontre este grupo, es la cosa mas chistosa que he leido. La respuesta es NO, no lo voy a traducir y SI, si deberia saber ingles ;-p

Luego lo traduzco que empece a trabajar de nuevo, mientras tanto:

1. You go to throw something that’s not in a ball shape, you throw it like a frisbee.

2. You call a foul when someone pushes you. (this is not during a game)

3. You find yourself playing with a frisbee while watching tv.

4. Your idea of a chill sesh is throwin a disc with 5 other people in the nearest available area.

5. You scream “SKYED!” whenever someone jumps for something.

6. You find yourself tossing in a parking lot at midnight, just because it’s the only place you can see the disc at that time.

7. You’ve seen someone wear something innappropriate as a uniform at a tournament atleast once.

8. You’ve stolen atleast one disc at a tournament.

9. As a spectator you’ve yelled “Hammer!” .

10. 75% of your dreams consist of sick layouts and d blocks.

11. You’ve spiked many more things then a disc for absolutely no reason.

12. You will stop a conversation in mid sentence to call five hole.

13. You find yourself trying to spin anything and everything circular on your finger.

14. You yell "LAYOUT" whenever your teammate is 10 feet away from the disc.

15. All your clothes have grass stains

16. You yell “UP!” whenever you see something flying

17. You own more pairs of cleats then you do shoes

18. You use your dishwasher to clean your discs

19. You feel empty inside after only 1 week of not playing

20. You visit or go to to watch videos of highlights.

21. You've played through an injury that would regularly been deemed as unplayable on.

22. You've played your first game of a tournament either hungover or still drunk due to the tournaments festivities the night before.

23. You've taken flack for playing a "sissy sport" from someone who clearly couldn't handle the cardio aspect of the game alone.

24. Your post game cool down consists of hucking/tossing with a beer in your hand.

25. You've been called a hippie by passing vehicles.

26. You have atleast 1 borderline alcoholic on your team.

27. You have gotten a whole group of people who have never played before to play with you.

28. You can still keep up with your man with a major hangover.

29. You hate any non-ultimate sized frisbee, better known as "novelty frisbees"

30. You know how many beers a regulation Ultimate disc holds.

31. You are pumped when they have free bananas and peanut butter at the tournament tent.

32. Your knees and elbows are habitually bleeding

33. You have a great tan all summer long (with some semi-clear tan-lines)

34. You hate the person that calls every single foul, even if they're not fouls, or if you've been known to be that person.

35. You know what a landshark is, and have seen it done.

36. You scream "LEBRON JAMES!" with every handblock

37. You scream "PELE!" with every footblock

38. You've been hit in the head by a stray disc.

39. Your social life and work schedules revolve around your ultimate schedule.

40. You've gotten weird looks for shouting "LAYOUT" in any place other than an ultimate field.

41. You feel handball should be replaced by Ultimate in the summer olympics

42. You wish the tall guy was on your team.

43. Having been at a tournament all day/weekend, your inner voice calls 'disc is in' when ever anything sounding remotely like a frisbee being tapped is heard.

44. You have multiple discs in different places, just in case. ex. car, backpack, other peoples' houses.

45. You've contemplated how cool you would look with a headband.

46. You start practicing your throws... without a disc.

47. You scream D-Block! Every time you swat at anything.

48. You've gotten into multiple arguments with bball, fball or hockey players about how ultimate is actually a sport.

49. You base your whole week around your ultimate schedule.

50. You get frustrated because stoners who wouldn't make it in any other sport are not only better than you, but they are constantly criticizing your technique.

51. You ARE that stoner.

52. You use "[no] contest" in every day life.

53. You start using stall counts when covering someone in a sport other than ultimate.

54. You forget to take notes in class because all you can think about is ultimate.

55. You've woken yourself by making a D-block or throwing a hammer in your sleep

56. You've warped a disc by sleeping with it.

57. Your water bottle has ultimate stickers all over it.

58. You decorate your walls with discs.

59. You cure a hangover by tossin a disc in the park.

60. People that say "how was frisbee today?" piss you off. It's ultimate, not frisbee... ULTIMATE!

61. The only way you fall asleep is imagining that perfect throw over and over.

62. A semi hot gal/guy lays out and takes it so sweetly, your friends have to hold you back so you don't run out and propose to them.

63. You walk around with a frisbee in your hand, and the only reason you drop it is because someone threw anothe one at you.

64. Your dreaming about ultimate, you subconsciously move your arm as to mimic a throw.

65. You see some one teaching wrong technique and run over to stop them.

66. Leaving the pub en mass the words 'stack on Jack' (or whoever happens to be at the front) are always uttered!

67. Going to the bar en mass the words 'forcing bar' are uttered

68. You walk across a large patch of open flat grass you cant help but think how awesome it would be play Ultimate on it.

69. Someone says, at 2 a.m., "Lets play in the Snow!" say, "Ok, Ill get my Disc"

70. Your facebook profile pic is of you playing ultimate.

71. You see a guy in a skirt and think nothing of it.

72. You get an erection (or wet for you ladies out there) when you see a perfect pull.

73. 'Snatch', 'dump' and 'lay' are no longer dirty words.

74. You've appeared or wish you've appeared in an UltiVillage DVD.

75. You hear the fire alarm go off, you grab a disc before you run out.

76. You ditch your significant other to throw a frisbee around with friends.

77. Your RA has written you up or at least threatened you for tossing a disc around in the hall.

78. You play topless purely for the spirit of the game.

79. You only cut your finger nails for the sole purpose of handling a disc.

80. You only play with Discraft discs.

81. Planning for halloween, you are most concerned with your costume for halloween night pick up.

82. The best way you find you can enjoy a concert is sittin back and tossin a disc.

83. You play WAH around the dinner table.

84. You play WAH (or in the UK "ninja ha"?) anywhere and everywhere.

85. Listening to music, you can think about how it can be synched to ultimate footage.

86. You use a disc as a plate at an ultimate BBQ.

87. After a tournament you walk around happily & proudly displaying the amount of mud that is caked on from your layouts.

88. At a colder tournament when you arrive, you don't get out of your car for at least another 15 minutes while you lace up/sleep just a

89. You have gone out for a meal with your team after a game/tournament and still have your cleats on.

90. You have a closet full of weird toys and fancy dress purely for ultimate parties.

91. You think nothing of playing disc in airports, even under the eyes of armed security forces.

92. Your team have been refused entry to hotels based on your behaviour at the previous year's tournament.

93. You have played fantasy ultimate during your break at a tournament.

94. You know you're an Ultimate player when you see random people throwing a disc, and you stop and watch while muttering comments about their tosses/form to yourself or a friend.

95. When you wear your jersey the day before a huge tournament...even if it is still covered in mud from the last one.

96. You clear out at Burger King.

97. You've quit atleast one job because the schedule didn't work with your ultimate schedule.

98. When the nickname that makes you the most uncomfortable is the nickname your team will automatically call you.

99. You've created a 'pitch' on a table at the bar on the saturday night using placemats / glasses / condiments in order to explain how to tighten up your zone.

100. You find yourself listening to music and changing the words to be Ultimate related....then singing them loud and obnoxiously at the next possible chance

Publicado por Fryjol en 14:35  

10 comentarios:

es mucho mejor leerlo en ingles, ya que se perderia mucho en una traduccion. ademas, muchas de las cosas mas graciosas de la lista son tipicas del ultimate en usa.

eduardo dijo...
10 de abril de 2008, 16:24  

excelente entrada!

cual de todas mas cierta...

esperaba encontrar muchas que vivimos aqui.... y en efecto ahi estan..

describen la vida con muchas, pero muchas!(siempre pasa la 52 y 53).. y claro aqui tengo una pared con los discos (58)

y el WAH (84) pego!.

nos lo enseñaron y jugamos en el mundial jr. y es un exito

mauro o. dijo...
10 de abril de 2008, 23:37  

de acuerdo con el comentario anterior.
Frijolito que buena vaina rechistoso.


Anonymous dijo...
11 de abril de 2008, 6:50  

ah y este es para frijlito:

45. You've contemplated how cool you would look with a headband.


Anonymous dijo...
11 de abril de 2008, 7:58  

Mao ni la menor idea que es el Ninja Hao WAH....que es?

Fryjol dijo...
11 de abril de 2008, 11:09  

Jajaja si, y ya esta en FB la prueba de que no me veo bien con la balaca.

Ya decidi que las paradas las juego con balaca y chaleco sin camiseta por debajo, solo por el espiritu ;-)

Fryjol dijo...
11 de abril de 2008, 11:12  

7. You’ve seen someone wear something innappropriate as a uniform at a tournament atleast once: La pantaloneta verde mango biche de Instructor

8. You’ve stolen atleast one disc at a tournament: A medio Fenix le han robado un disco en el primer torneo que asiste

10. 75% of your dreams consist of sick layouts and d blocks: En mi caso de zonas y stacks

16. You yell “UP!” whenever you see something flying: Al crespo jugando futbol

23. You've taken flack for playing a "sissy sport" from someone who clearly couldn't handle the cardio aspect of the game alone: Todos

26. You have atleast 1 borderline alcoholic on your team: Todos, Bonzay, Pupi, Alfredo,etc

44. You have multiple discs in different places, just in case. ex. car, backpack, other peoples' houses: Laura tiene discos y camisetas mias para jugar en la casa de ella ;-)

46. You start practicing your throws... without a disc. Jjaja no puedo estar solo en la calle...

en fin, si sigo los cubro todas!

Fryjol dijo...
11 de abril de 2008, 11:21  

8. You’ve stolen atleast one disc at a tournament.

GORDILLOOO!!.devuelva el discoooooo

12 de abril de 2008, 16:50  

fryjol bro el ninja wah lo podes ver aqui:

fue la primera vez q lo vimos y como decia pego y seguimos jugando...

Mao.Otal. dijo...
16 de abril de 2008, 14:50  

Gracias Mao!

Fryjol dijo...
17 de abril de 2008, 6:46  

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